Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Well, most know already but...
I'm leaving. Guardian turned out to be nothing. I love our members, but Sev just runs the show and we seem to have no say. I'd love to say I'm gonna miss this clan, but I'm really not. Hopefully I'll still see you guys in-game. Peace out!

~Power, no longer the guardian-fish
what did u mean ? " sev is runing th show ? .... if u feel left out , or am taking everything , say somthing not leaving clan , we are going some were , xflame pm me about it , and havnt u saw my thread " the way to the top " ? dude power u are really good member in this clan , lol i was coming online to check for every body in this clan , so we can make " Clan Guardain Art shop " Head's , set's , avatar's , clan video's ..... etc etc u name it ! i was going to make u the leader of it , since u are good at ART , and i was going to make ilfred and xflame elliet's , if u want to know what a leader art dose ? he pm ppl to do what ever they are good at and take 25% of the $$ that comes , yo man we really need u , come back .