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"We can neither confirm nor deny any claims at the present time"

Classic ;) Alright, we'll wait for the official statement then.
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
I say that as long as he doesn't make obvious that he's Cyber, he's more than welcomed to join. Whether we trust him or not has nothing to do with having an additional member capable of beating May and fighting under our flag.

We'll keep an eye on his behavior, if he starts acting erratically we'll just kick him.
~You cannot say it does not exist until you see it~
I'll say yes to blue, for now at least.
Oh and I posted this request before but I think everyone forgot because of cyber, so can I be a warrior now?
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
The Clan Rooster spoiler does not reflect some of our newest ranks and their purpose. Needs update.
~You cannot say it does not exist until you see it~
I'm sure Kvey has his hands full of updates right now ;)
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
Indeed, just putting that out there. It's hard keeping track of things when doing them alone.

I know this, I'm a moderator for a huge Minecraft server that updates frequently and we all help out testing and making sure things are in place before releases. These things are a pain in the butt :3

As for a texture shop... I can draw and do textures really good. I could possibly set up a texture shop for us but scamping through the rules they are extremely strict on advertising and bumping. How should we go about this ?

Anyone have any ideas on how to even begin a shop that represents us or should I just take matters into my hands and figure it out ?
Last edited by Zinrius; Apr 6, 2013 at 07:45 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
~You cannot say it does not exist until you see it~
Originally Posted by ysome View Post
Oh and I posted this request before but I think everyone forgot because of cyber, so can I be a warrior now?

The decision will be made once the necessary updates have been made and things settle down.

Originally Posted by Zinrius View Post
The Clan Rooster spoiler does not reflect some of our newest ranks and their purpose. Needs update.


If you have a solid idea for shop, go for it. You might want to have your textures be looked at in the price-check thread first.
Last edited by TheGunslinger; Apr 6, 2013 at 08:01 PM.
"Perhaps I am simply a madman who dreamt of being sane for a little while."
Zin, I would be willing to help with the texture shop if you want you're really good btw ;3
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
Texture pricing thread ? huh, must have missed that. I'll check it out and get rated.

Thanks Raven. I'd appreciate it once it's all settled.
~You cannot say it does not exist until you see it~
Annnnd hawk is promoted ^_^ I second Unlimita and DJ's promotion to Knight.

It has been a while since Dushik's scamp offense and to my knowledge he has stuck to the rules. It's been... over two weeks, i think.

We haven't yet made clear our policy on how long someone remains in Scamp before they are redeemed or booted.

Here is a basic idea of how I think we could handle it:

If they are in Scamp for two weeks without offense, they will be moved to Squire (If they were Warriors) or Warrior (If they were Knights). Hopefully this will give incentive for people to keep it clean in lobbies and not give up on the clan due to being chastised for their misbehavior.

I feel that we will be able to recover from this incident very quickly. Not many clans have such a tight core group of members as we do. All of us working together will ensure our success.

I'll be interested to see how the 'Cyber rejoining the clan' conspiracy works out. I don't think we should be overly suspicious of new/applying members, we don't want to turn away people because of the past. I'm quite sure that if it IS infact Cyber, it will be quite easy to see through the disguise.

Besides, Cyber and Seward are unlikely to be banned now that our scam report has been cancelled, so Cyber should just stay Cyber. I hope he isn't immature enough to attempt to remain in the clan through an alt just to be a dick.

Wowww i wrote another wall of text... sorry guys. Hope to see you out there. ^_^ I'm running a 10km race today. It's called Hill to Harbor. Wish me luck

You’ve been taught all your life that truth is easy to hide. You'll face your judgment another day and suffer eternally.