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Yo Hawkes, that's a sweet example. Thanks for that visual!

Redd needs more quality time...

However he did call me pretty...
~You cannot say it does not exist until you see it~
Zin that set is sexy! Don't forget about that armband ;) Still willing to pay for priority and the texture ;)
You’ve been taught all your life that truth is easy to hide. You'll face your judgment another day and suffer eternally.
Whatever everyone else says, red is going to be a staunch no from me. There are issues between us.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Won't forget the armband. In fact I'll start working on that sucker right now
~You cannot say it does not exist until you see it~
Hai guys, old ally here when you guys were still named ally. Just stopping by, you guys seem to be a lot more mature and organized than I remember back in the old [ally]. Anywho, sorry to hear about the cyber incedent ( although I certainly saw it coming), and good luck to you guys. Seem like a friendly bunch.
nothing much

DeakManiac is a grade A asshole. Fuck that dude. seriously. you guys know im not a angry person. i love everyone. but fuck that guy. sorry for my language. ive never been so mad.
My doctor told i wouldnt spit up blood if i didnt drink nothing but mouthwash.
Why what happened Brody?
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
Thanks, Pam! Hope to see some more betting servers soon ;) And he's been pretty cool around me, Brody
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
guys the day has come.after 15 years chasing the mexican league cup we have finally won 4-2 in the nerve wrecking penalty shootout and im happier then the time i found waldo(i was pretty damn happy that day)
btw has anyone seen fluny hes like a little kid lost in a mall i miss him
Last edited by soccerfan; Apr 11, 2013 at 07:09 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Sexy or not sexy?
I really think deak can be a butt sometimes, but if u get to know him he can be cool. I'd like to know what happend brody and i hope i can help clear this between you two.
Daemon of the clan Oblivion.