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something should be done about rage quitters
I'm new to Toribash, and very often the other player just quits, resulting in me not getting TC, qi, and replays.
Especially the replay, I like keeping my replays.

I think it's unacceptable that in Toribash players are free to and even somehow encouraged by circumstances to ragequit. They get better win/loss ratio, they do bad to the winner and they also can earn high win ratio and rank achievements, and, of course, they don't get banned for it.

I've got maybe 120qi and I've been ragequit on about 15 times*. And since I don't win all the time, that's a very significant percentage. I think, players should be able to report ragequiters and get them banned.

* I have also never rage quit on anyone, no matter how disappointing his fighting style was.
Last edited by JSnuffMARS; Apr 12, 2013 at 02:40 PM.
This has been discussed before.

You have the free will of quitting if you desire. You can report that person if he do it in a tourney in the last match in purpose *need proof*. You can't force a person to stay if he feels angry and doesn't want to lose. In all MP games you will find ragers, they're free to rage and as penalty they don't gain their earned points. If you think someone is qutting a lot in tourneys, report him so he get warned and dealt with. The might create a solution but for now just play as you do, Good day!
<ishi> 2MEGPOID4ME
It's easy to complain about, but harder to fix. There's a thread for discussing which solution would be best.
Look in suggestions, too lazy to find the link :d
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Just sit there and laugh at them.

Honestly, that's your best way of dealing with it. Staff will most likely not implement a disciplinary system for punishing members who leave in the middle of the game, so just try to get over it.
Originally Posted by p0w View Post
This has been discussed before.

You have the free will of quitting if you desire. You can report that person if he do it in a tourney in the last match in purpose *need proof*. You can't force a person to stay if he feels angry and doesn't want to lose. In all MP games you will find ragers, they're free to rage and as penalty they don't gain their earned points. If you think someone is qutting a lot in tourneys, report him so he get warned and dealt with. The might create a solution but for now just play as you do, Good day!

Nah, you're completely off. They shouldn't have this possibility of quiting in (most often) the last turn of a game. Because one should not be allowed to do a thing, which hurts the other person more than it benefits the one who rage quits.

Look, nobody wants those loss qi, which put you last on quene and lower your win/loss ratio. Everyone wants those win qi, which benefit their win / loss ratio.

How about this solution. If a player quits more than 1/15 of all the games he has played, he gets banned?
Last edited by JSnuffMARS; Apr 12, 2013 at 06:19 PM.
What if the person needs to do something? How would they know if they ragequit or need to take a long shit? Explain that.
Originally Posted by 8VortexX8 View Post
What if the person needs to do something? How would they know if they ragequit or need to take a long shit? Explain that.

So they should either finish the round and spectate or just leave toribash open, so the enemy can win. If you're trying to state that people don't actually ragequit, but have to do stuff etc, then:

1.) they shouldn't ragequit, but what I said before.
2.) if you think, that in most cases they really need to do stuff and that's why they ragequit, you're just being ignorant.

3.) that one time when he's busy doesn't matter. I'm talking about people who often ragequit, etc.
Last edited by JSnuffMARS; Apr 15, 2013 at 12:12 AM.