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[S] Azurite Force
Selling azurite force. Expensive items and tc only please. PM me if you think you have a deal that dosent include those 2 things. I'm looking for about 60k.
Originally Posted by Pwr View Post
Cant go ingame. Ill decide soon.
Add an extra 10k.

How much are you looking for? I can offer 48,1k (I have a 53K offer), haggle.
No thanks. Not going below 60k and lordholando offered 2 flames worth about 50k so I want him to add 20k to those.
60k, nuh. It's easy to buy cheaper, and the flame is very difficult to sell, you will not be able to sell it quickly and well. (lordholanda can not sell the flame long time) 50,1k if you change your mind.