Original Post
MiNIBASH Suggestions
Trying to use my idiotic and childish brain here so dont blame me
You won't get special service by calling yourself an idiot.

BG music
you could change your players color (your player is always red why not another color)
new background
head texture (at least making a head ... or choosing one)
longer life
decap sound (when you get decapitated)
win sound (when you win)
lose sound (when you lose)
when you get hit sound (a sound when you get hit)

*when you get decapitated it will not play the "when you get hit sound
Last edited by Tonakai; Apr 19, 2013 at 05:51 PM.
minibash - boring game
Originally Posted by google translate
What kind of monotony? I have two months fighting the same enemies, I have learned by heart as each head off to break. Tired, add at least someone new! Every time I lose interest in the game after the first 2 fights. Very boring, not the same as throwing your game! If so, and do not add any, will bear.

I think it would be better to diversify the game.

Lazors Moderated Message:
Last edited by Lazors; May 12, 2013 at 12:00 AM.
#1 - Computered fighters are better

#2 - Outline and user name colors

#3 - Achievements

#4 - Remove the white belt to _________ belt because if you are brown belt you can easily defeat the lower belts

#5 - more people in tournament mode everytime you get a higher belt

White belt to Brown belt - 16
Black and above - 32

#5 - Remove streak multiplier ( Coz its easy to win money )

#6 - With streak multiplier removed you win 10 tc every fight and if you lose you must start the tournament again

#7 - Backgrounds every belt grading

#8 - pow!/bam!/kplang! sign when you hit your opponent

#9 - picking a head (they must be different)

head 1 - default head
head 2 - ninja head
head 3 - ragdoll head

#10 - more life bars

#11 - your player must have 15 seconds to make his move

#12 - pick colors for your "mini" like amethyst,orc,gladiator ....
I hate fighting the same premade replays all over again.
Don't send me PM's, I don't read them.
Minibash sure is getting boring, break heads/make them tired...
Hampa, please update minibash for Computers
Last edited by Xipherion; May 20, 2013 at 09:26 PM.
Simple Doesn't Mean Its Easy
update minibash at google play
I think you should update minibash on android because fighting the same people on a certain belt over and over until your the next belt is annoying.
Last edited by Lazors; May 21, 2013 at 11:44 PM. Reason: gramm0rz