Maybe you could make the hair a bit more detailed
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Hmmm, well... I'd like to see more comments before I do anything.
I kind of agree with BenDover when he says that shading ain't a requirement for a good texture.
It's called being "original" ^^
You have done a great work on the eyes, the left iris made a difference in you design.

The anger look can be more intense yet,
put the eyebrows(close to the middle) with more anger, so more low, as the other side(going aways from the middle) goes up.
with two more lines on the nose bridge between the eyes, one of each side to express anger, it can work better.

it still looks flat.
shading is not necessary, but gives it a totally different look.
the V shapes on the hair is meh, but the curves on the side are hot, do something about the V shapes.

and take dengues advice with the lines on the eyebrows, add more lines, make more angry.

after that, i would leave the head as is and move onto the set, it deserves a set.

reminds me of my old textures when i worked in a similar style, makes me want to finish off my last tribal head
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Thanks everyone! Done the face now, will work on the hair.

Ben: I might do a set for it, haven't done a set in ages.