Do you submit to our plans for galactic dominance: Only if I can be pinky.
Do you fully understand the inner mechanics of being a tyrant: Well, I do like to be mean to people.
Past experience on the battlefield: I have slapped many people. You may interpret that in any way you want.
If you were to become one of us, what would your first order of buisness be:
Express your feelings about [Dominion] in poetic form:
Dominion.. Kind of like Domino.. I want you inside of me.
Pizza. Pizza pizza. Ketchup. Ketchup Pizza. Ketchup Pizza Bacon. Bacon Pizza. Inside of me, I beg. I plead.
Do you have any form of communication tools, It's critical that we're able to contact eachother incase of sudden intergalactic warfare and or birthdays(Skype, Steam, ETC): Myspace.
Do you speak any foreign languages that could possibly come in use when conquering other planets: I speak Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, French, Spanish, English and German. Oh, I also speak Gay and l33t.
Our warmachines tend to get a tad rusty, do you have a prefered lubricant and if you do how thoroughly do you apply it: I make my own. I buy Orko's sweat and semen from Dobby and I mix it up. It works perfectly. I apply very excessive amounts for optimal performance. All over the body. Then I slide over the floor. Naked.
Is it dobbys fault: It's always dobby's fault, that whore.
acept plz
Oh, and yes to Athin. Hai Athin.