Original Post
FLAME Request
Hey there, I'm after a head flame with ACID and GOLD colours or even just GOLD. I'm happy to pay a reasonable but generous price for it.

Any flame creators or people with knowledge on the subject please feel free to comment and let me know the best ways to go about getting this.

Hope to hear from someone, thanks in advance.

- Conj.
If you're looking for a new forge, could you please state your budget so I'll know what kind of flame am I going for.
:(){ :|: & };:
I guess im up for paying around 30-50k, i saw a simple head flame for sale on the market which was perfect but the wrong colour.
Well, forging a flame costs a lot and for a good flame (something worthy) I'll need at least 100k.
I suggest buying pre-forged flames, if you ask me.
:(){ :|: & };:
No problem, I guess i'll just save the TC ive got till I find something that suits my taste. The type of flame i'm after was only 55k on the market. I just didn't have the TC at the time and it got sold.
Ok so i got this : if you like it, ill only ask for 85 k, Acid to gold, if you want something else tell me... Like a flame texture or something... I am not the best flame forger, but i didnt had much details, so i made it as simple as possible so it wouldnt be more than 100 k :3

Leader of Inferno
It looks good, can I see more screenshots of its peak height? I want to see how flares up at the top. 85k seems abit steep, I could do 70k if i'm happy with the next screenshots.
Hey Stracked. Continuing our IN-GAME conversation - I want it just like this pretty much but flaring up higher at the top. Post some screenies of a couple of different designs and the forge prices and we'll see if we can work something out. Im down to give you 5k profit.
Last edited by C0NJ3R; May 3, 2013 at 01:49 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump