I was super stoked about the Trundle rework, and wanted to play him.
Unfortunately jungle was taken...
-one warwick later-
yay im trundle im 2/7
daddy kill the spider
Lol'd, haha I've just noticed something, everyone thinks that top and mid are sorta the most important roles, well they are in a certain way, but I think that the most important here is the jungler, the one who helps other lanes, if your team have a nice jungle ganking 24/7 ALL the lanes, it is really hard for you to lose, but here is the trap, the jungler doesn't have to get the kills, otherwise the lanes get little gold.
Oh yes yes a good jungler is super important.
Not only do you need good map awareness, you also need timing skills and planning.

Shit is hard yo.
daddy kill the spider
Indeed, like you have to be either lucky or smart to know when it's possible to gank, not to mention you gotta know pretty well your jungler.
QQ y u so meen.

I'm on bronze division I now yaaaaay, closer to silver then I'll gtfo of rankeds ;p