Originally Posted by Sarutobi View Post

no, that'd be me 'w' <3
[elite]Sarutobi: I had a lvl 10 testicle... best day of my life
hai guiz, m name is tacooooo, thi clan awsum. i rly want join plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
Hi, my name is Sarutobi and today I'm playing a stuck-up asshole that's going to tell you not to fill up this thread with nonsense. That's what [elite] Elite is for, sort of.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
We try to have organization but it has never worked
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
*Name (Actual):Chance
*Date of Birth:Oct 4 2000
Primary Language(s):English
Secondary Language(s):none
Belt:2nd dan almost 3rd
Alternate Accounts:Molinora45 (but only because my account got hacked for a while.
Preferred Mods:akido and classic
Previous Clans:Fallen Angels and Demonic
Why You Want to Join:I want a to join this clan because for one my friends say i could never join good clans,and I have been inspired by clans like this and i want to inspire other people like me to do the same.
What You Can Offer The Clan:im good at not getting disqualified. Im ok at parkour just not great,and i do madmans when im bored.
I am Molinora|The Green Demon King| or Molinora|The Raichu Master| on steam. c:
The one thing that concerns me is your lack of forum activity (4 posts). I'll let other [elite] members give their two cents before judging.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
Maybe ingame activity can be added to the application layout, just so we know what we're dealing with if the people aren't big into the forums. If it's already there ignore this suggestion.

Anyway what I assume we're looking for is some active members ingame and on the forums, who are also fairly decent and not completley stupid. At the same time we want you to be loyal and not leave the clan as soon as some new cooler bunch comes along. Don't think I'm just saying this to you though all applicants should read this and try to match their apps appropriatley to it.

So no from me anyway sorry mate gonna have to work on some aspects of the application. Maybe we can meet up in-game if you really do want to join and I might reconsider my vote.

Don't think my vote is the final choice though, it could come to nothing if the rest of the guys like you.