Christmas Lottery
I finally achieved blue belt. XD I just want to get to brown so that my post count will show.
Also, anybody notice any weird glitches with the time of the posts? It says that I posted something 16 hours ago when it was about 7 or 8.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
Originally Posted by XxMK1xX View Post
Damn, everyone rising from the dead I see. Where have you bastards been?

I whas away with my class to a 3day trip
Originally Posted by XxMK1xX View Post
Damn, everyone rising from the dead I see. Where have you bastards been?

Sorry bro, I was having a life.

I promise I won't do it again!
i Jus wawna take this moment to say that this clan is amazing, an official is somewhere we just got and thats awesome, nao, i finish eating my tentacle pai
Should I post an honest opinion about the game or something?
If so, I'd say that it isn't all that great.
Reminds me of the slenderman games. Concept is quite similar: you have to achieve some kind of a goal(collect something, get somewhere, etc.) and there is something chasing you. Basic stuff.
The element of horror is being added by you being completely defenseless. Also, claustrophobia.
The camera movement adds a bit of dramatic feel to it.
It has a pretty cool theme, though.
And stuff....

Also, tired as fuck. Wanna sleep ;-;
Computer addiction ruins my life.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Arturix3 View Post
Also, tired as fuck. Wanna sleep ;-;
Computer addiction ruins my life.

Likewise. XD I always tell myself that I'm going to bed early one night, and then I'm up at 4 am on the computer. D;
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
Man, I remember staying up late at night playing some baby mario on my gameboy. Those were the days...

I remember staying up late playing Kingdom Hearts. Anyone played or heard of it?
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
what do you take me for volare, a jock, hah i stay up late nights playing chain of memories, because chain of memories, is "the shit"