Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by YoungBl00d View Post
Its not on the list, so im assuming its not supported in Portugal. Also

Why does it dost $13.20?

Doesnt a 50 booster normally cost $5?

Phail! Poland have 10,98 PLN, it's something like $5 :P.
This system stole my money from the mobile phone.

I registered, activated my account, bought a 50 booster for 4 euros, then this message appeared.

Of course i received a message from my operator saying something like "thanks u for the succesful transaction, 4 euros have been stealed from ur mobile"

Here is the proof of the transaction:

What must i do to get my booster?

, image deleted.
I already registered at OneBip. but unfortunately I have only 4,13 € on my cell phone at the moment. I'm trying to get another prepaid card as soon as possible, this new system is great. =)