Original Post
dethral's replays
I thought I would start out with something simple

Just a B-Twist and a Butterfly Kick
Attached Files
#Dethral_B-Twist.rpl (89.8 KB, 15 views)
#Dethral_Butterfly Kick.rpl (76.1 KB, 12 views)
My gawd.

Unless you're on an alternate account you'll be one of the best replaymakers in no time. It is also amazing how you managed to squeeze such a good looking B-twist in a 90 KiloByte file. Good job.

I want to see more of your replays, I also want to know if this is your only account.
Keep working!
Holy shit!

You must be an alt! That was the shit

Keep working and try to make a combo. I would like to see mroe from you
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
very sorry XD
i forgot to mention that i am an alt
my main account is dahstevy
in witch i am a black belt
so please keep that in mind while commenting
i made another replay
i would really like feedback on my corks because i know i can improve them
this took quite a bit of effort to make
cnc is appreciated
Attached Files
#Dethral_Corks.rpl (187.4 KB, 11 views)