Original Post
Hello guys i sell heads...
Head 1

Size 512x512
start bid 500TC
Autobuy 10000TC
Artist no

Head 2

Size 512x512
Start bid 100TC
Autobuy 5000TC
Artist no

Head 3

Size 512x512
Start bid 200TC
Autobuy 5000TC
artist no

Head 4

Size 512x512
Start bid 200TC
Autobuy 5000TC
artist no

Head 5

Size 512x512
Start bid 200TC
Autobuy 5000TC
artist no

Head 6

Size 512x512
Start bid 200TC
Autobuy 5000TC
artist no
Head 2 and head 3 for umm 1k? You don't know the artists? Because if you don't then you might not own proof please. Nvm I decline my offer
Last edited by Suplexes; Jun 1, 2013 at 04:33 PM.
Only If I Could Suplex

Originally Posted by suplexes View Post
Head 2 and head 3 for umm 1k? You don't know the artists? Because if you don't then you might not own proof please.

Yes, I'd like to see artist names. I'm almost certain #2 is not yours [profesional]. I remember seeing that as a reference Berc used in the requests threads for some robot head. That was months ago.
Last edited by JayStar; Jun 1, 2013 at 04:36 PM.
All of this head is free or stolen. In this thread you can see these heads. This is Russian forum, the thread of free heads.