Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by SXDave View Post
@animal: du hast ja sicher nicht von dem hochwasser gehört das bei euch, hier bei uns und in tschechien sein unwesen treibt. Wollt fragen wies bei euch ist? Soweit ich ghört hab sollts bei euch trocken sein (trocken im sinne von keine bachüberflutungen).
Bei mir und matt sind die zwei bäche die durch unseren ort gehn nur halb voll, wenn überhaupt. Nur in tirol, salzburg, oberösterreich und in teilen niederösterreich (donau) gehts sehr heftig zu..

Мамкуебалсуканахуйпиздецякарочупоролсяазазазазазаз азаз ясно лалки ипаные?
Last edited by Holly; Jun 7, 2013 at 12:46 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I am writing in German because i don't want to write all that in English. And also it is just for TheAnimal because i was asking him if he is also affected by the flood which was the last 7 days in Austria, Germany and Czechia.

How it looked like.

Don't know about the new members here where they are living, but was someone also affected by this?

Last edited by SXDave; Jun 7, 2013 at 06:06 AM.
Serbia is starting.. And i am near river Danube :O
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]

so here we go

no I'm not or not directly as I'm kinda living hight enough near the Blackforesst (it actually kinda far but you know what i mean)
and the little river (if it is even worth the name "river") wasn't growing that much to break anything.

and Yeah I have a lot to to atm so not as much time as wanted but it will be better next week D

can't wait to cya al ingame again
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