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Exactly unless a weapon is drawn such as a gun or something, but a small is no reason to hit a lady considering how much harder the male will hit. Oh yes and the fact that it was just a slap or punch or whatever it isn't going to kill you, I just think that leaving would be a lot better than hitting the girl back and potentially getting into trouble with the authorities.

That and you kind of answered your own question when you presented a couple of double standards between men and women, but that is your answer it's because men and women are different.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
It does the other way too... in some ways... like how if a man sleeps with a bunch of woman he is called a player and awesome... but if a woman sleeps with a lot of men she is called a whore and a slut

Imagine a key that can open every door in the world. Pretty awesome, right?

Now imagine a door that can be opened by every key in the world. Think about it.
Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay the price.
I've had a woman swing her purse at my chest several times and then attempt to elbow me in the groin before, when I pushed her off, she screamed "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" and threatened to call the police etc.

It's bullshit, but that's just the way it is.

Ironic how most western girls act like trashy skanks and then expect that we still treat them chivalry, like azuremage said in our clan board a while ago.
This is one of the reasons why it's hard to legislate morality. Technically, it would be just as illegal for a woman to hit a man as it is for a man to hit a woman. Either men don't press charges or society blows it off as no big deal. The other way around, you're right, a double standard exists. Is it fair? No. But what can we really do?

What we need is an unbiased, fair judicial system that would treat any of age citizen all the same. Money, social prestige, gender, race, etc.. should/would have no influence on a legal decision.

Ahhh.. but we may dream all we want; however, I do not see such a system in the foreseeable future.
Originally Posted by togo1234556 View Post
It does the other way too... in some ways... like how if a man sleeps with a bunch of woman he is called a player and awesome... but if a woman sleeps with a lot of men she is called a whore and a slut

No, not at all. So what if people call women whores because they sleep around? There is no legal consequences. Whereas, lawsuits and restraining orders consistently result from domestic violence cases.

You're free to call anyone a whore for that matter. But, if you were to go far enough and to claim she slept with people she did not (or he for that matter), and it endangered her reputation or work, then you could be held accountable for slander. But, calling someone a whore is not slander, it is only harmless profanity, in the eyes of a judge.
Last edited by JayStar; Jun 9, 2013 at 03:57 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Here is another thing. Do you guys have it in schools where if a guy breaks up with a girl he is hated on and shit but if the girl breaks up with the man they be like "He deserved it, your better than that ect...." its total bullshit. Its abit like women slaps man situation. Man does it = Disliked, women does it = Supported. Women arent weak, i would say im a strong and fit (physically) person but there are still girls who are stronger and better than me at most things, women arent weak and shouldnt be treated differently. They are just as strong as men.
Now that's just plain high school mentality.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Geez, how hard can a women hit(Not being a sexist or some shit) that you have to hit her back? Like that other guy in the thread said that women are not as strong as man physically and you should be able to take what they throw at you without being a little bitch about it and saying "Oh GOD you hit me, I Am CALLING 911!". Unless you are a little kid and all that is childabuse, I see no reason you should hit a women just because she gave you a little booboo.
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
I guess so :/ kids these days :3 even though im 13 but im pretty mature for my age

HAHAHHAHA, no, not even close.
Last edited by Devil; Jun 9, 2013 at 07:12 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Originally Posted by ImmortalCow
Anti-male sexism is rampant in western society.

Originally Posted by ale3
Now imagine a door that can be opened by every key in the world. Think about it.

Women aren't doors and actually want to have sex too. Everyone are puzzle pieces, and every puzzle piece wants matching puzzle pieces.

This "lol girls don't want sex" "lol I just completed a 'challenge' by sleeping with a girl" is pretty dumb.
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