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6 questions for being a failure:
1. If you were able to meet any hero from the past, who would you meet?
2. What would heaven and hell look like?
3. What would be the ideal weapon/spell?
4. How would your life be if you were the opposite of your current gender?
5. If you can be any other race besides a human, which race would you be from?
6. You have a curse. You can't use any means of destruction, but you have to destroy an alien structure that threatens the existance of the human race. You're the only person who's available to do so. How would you stop it?
1. I think I'd like to meet Jesus. Legitimately. I don't think I need to explain why haha
2. Heaven would be either a big cloudy place with magnificent buildings with architecture similar to Ancient Greece. (even though that would be silly due to the intense religious differences.)
3. Portable 7.62mm Minigun. Spell would be invisibility, because it would be the same as my superpower of choice.
4. I can't say with any great degree of confidence. I'm sure it would be just as average as most people's.
5. I'm going to assume you mean something along the lines of the different DND races. I'd chose a Draconian, because being part dragon would be the bees knees.
6. I'll assume this is similar to the rules for Jewish Shabbat. (I think Shabbat is what i mean...) If someone could strap explosives to me and detonate them remotely that doesn't reeeeeally count as ME utilising a destructive force.
Alternately, if I had access to ANY means necessary, as long as it was not a destructive force, I would thrust rock up into the sky under the structure, 'creating' a mountain or split the earth 'creating' a valley. Destruction can be altered by perception after all, and from a geological standpoint the creation of a valley or other structure would not be destructive. The alien structure falling is a biproduct of my act of creation, therefore is allowed and lets me win the question.
Last edited by Zanderhar; Jun 11, 2013 at 05:51 PM.