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Originally Posted by ysome View Post
Breaking news! Allison Brie has announced that she is actually a man with a huge shclong.

I see what you did there.

Also ... I have the weirdest boner right now.
Originally Posted by Trick View Post
The amount of sarcasm in this thread is ... suffocating.

The evidence is undeniable.
"Perhaps I am simply a madman who dreamt of being sane for a little while."
IS THAT WHAT YOU DID TO TIMEE FREUDIAN SLIP! HE SUFFOCATED TIMEE! I'm gunna track your I.P and make you pay! R.I.P Timee
You’ve been taught all your life that truth is easy to hide. You'll face your judgment another day and suffer eternally.
I'm good friends with the founders of this company called One, a small startup ~5m funding. Was at a party at their offices but ended up leaving early because my friend Brian had to pick up some friends at the airport. Found out an hour later that we left 15 minutes before McHammer showed up - turns out he was one of their investors. Would've been sort of cool.


At iOS dev camp 2011 there was a competition on who could beat Dom (Dom Sagolla, one of the founders of Twitter) best of 3 in StarCraft 2. Ixe played him and solidly beat him every match, Ixe was in Diamond at the time so solidly might be understatement. Won whatever amount of money but then never got paid because his PayPal was setup wrong.

We also won best hardware hack and a bunch of nerf guns for that. (We got a lego mindstorms robot reacting to a set of iphones and ipads that you'd play tug of war with)

Current Administrator of Oblivion. Former Administrator of RIP.
Blank Das Keyboard, Arch, J, Erlang, Haskell - You can always be better.
Originally Posted by Zanderhar View Post
R.I.P Timee

I'm ok with everything else you guys have been throwing at me, but this definitely went too far.

It's bad form (especially here in the Philippines; it's considered to be really offensive) to joke about a person's death, especially when that person (i.e. ME) is still very much alive. Morbidity isn't a laughing matter. I know you meant it in jest, but it was still pretty insensitive.

Fine, accuse me of not being me, just don't say anything that (wrongfully) implies that I'm dead (which I obviously am not).

I was actually very amused by the contents of this thread, but this kinda ruined it for me.

If you're actually gonna kick me for getting a new name, then please, feel free to do so. If it was really meant as a joke, then I do commend your creativity.

Either way, I'm honestly offended. I still love all of you guys, especially Zander, but this one statement kinda ended the fun for me. It might seem petty to you, but it's a big deal for me.

If I did offend any of you with this post, I'm sincerely sorry.

That's all. You may continue your fun if you want.
Last edited by Trick; Jun 12, 2013 at 10:14 AM.
What happened to KingRa7en
One day KingRa7en went on a long journey to brave the dreaded place called school. He conquered the land and plundered it for all it was worth. He returned to find his family had moved to a new, better home, in the land of Official Clans. So, KingRa7en set off to join his companions. During his journey, King was walking along the road when he heard a noise coming from the bushes. He went to see what had made this noise, and to his surprise he found several sloths frolicing in a clearing. They looked like they were having a lot of fun, so KingRa7en decided to stop and play for a while. King played with the sloths, they laughed and had lots of fun together. Then the sun went down, King was tired, so he decided to stay with the sloths for the night. The biggest mistake he'd ever made. King woke up, bound and gagged, locked in cell with absolutely no chance of escape. He sat in his cell for what seemed like days until one night, when he had lost all hope of survival, he heard the sound of the cell door, and smelled the stench of a sloth. One by one, the sloths creeped into the cell, locking the door behind him. Unable to resist them, King was raped by the sloths, and left to die. More days past, King lost track of time. Unwilling to live, he accepted his fate, and closed his eyes for the last time...

Then, suddenly, the door was thrown open, there, in the doorway, stood his family, come to rescue him! They untied him, and together they slayed the dreaded sloths. The end.
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
Idk we did. We're just going around making fun of you for using a new user probably (I don't know, I'm not part of this.) so yea. Why aren't you using "Timee" exactly?
My life is made up of unlimited blades.
Originally Posted by UnlimitaBlade View Post
Why aren't you using "Timee" exactly?

Name change.
Seems that these things always cross the line a bit too quickly. I'd have closed the thread, but it seemed to be generally lighthearted comments. I'll be more mindful of this in the future.