Hey kolorz did you here about that teacher in Gilbert that was arrested?
Reported for reporting a reporter that reported someone else for reporting.
Where do you live in america kolorz? Im trying to find the time I need to get on so that I can participate in the clkan war
phail wale
Its ok hakkar xD again it could use improvement. Try to use relax more. Thats how I got better was after every turn. I would relax and do another movement. So this is a replay I came up with.
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backhanding uke.rpl (101.0 KB, 8 views)

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I like the replay waff also Kolorz lives on mars.
Reported for reporting a reporter that reported someone else for reporting.
Kolorz did you delete recruitment post that was disturbingly funny?
Reported for reporting a reporter that reported someone else for reporting.