Christmas Lottery
you are idiots i did killed him i was still alive i said i stomped his head and i looked down his head was still intacted and he didnt get up and i walked away and he still didnt get up ...

HAHAHA i just had a funny thought i think i KO him HAHAHA nou dats funny
[18:55] <Moop> congrats on the official *Moop returns to joshjoshua*
[18:55] <~Nugget> wait wht... josh you're stupid
Josh: something you could do over summer vacation is work on your grammar or at least use the auto correct option that the internet gives you.
Poppo:I've started to play league because a friend of mine told me it was fun but its extremely confusing.It's probably just my stupidity.
R.I.P Sean (bobsanders147) i'll miss you man, we all love you and miss you.
i meant to do bad grammer cuz just to be funny sorry ( cuz = 'cause = because )
[18:55] <Moop> congrats on the official *Moop returns to joshjoshua*
[18:55] <~Nugget> wait wht... josh you're stupid
Poppo:I played the tutorial, but i'm still not sure how to do anything :/
it's still fun even though i don't know what i'm doing
Josh: It's not funny if i don't know what i'm reading.
What are your thoughts on suicide?I was reading this thread right here it was quite entertaining reading everyone's opinions about it.
Last edited by spitfire123ism; Jun 25, 2013 at 04:44 AM.
R.I.P Sean (bobsanders147) i'll miss you man, we all love you and miss you.
Thanks HL. Can someone go over to the "want to join fyre thread" there is this kid who wants to join, i voted yeah but he needs more yes or no votes.
R.I.P Sean (bobsanders147) i'll miss you man, we all love you and miss you.
Hi guys, how are you? I've been a little busy(took the exam and created his own clan)
The Expendables
Congratulate me, I did it
Respect to ~ Brigada