Originally Posted by Killbot99 View Post
How do you make both tori and uke the same? Like in oblivions replay (oblivion)

see man first type /lp 1 then again type /lp 0 it will make uke like u.
Need Shading Tutorial for GIMP 2.8
I know what tools to use

Inb4 DROP SHADOW I'm not looking for a tutorial on what to use in order to shade. I want a tutorial on how to shade more realistically.

Pretty Please.
"I have no fear, for fear is the little death that kills me over and over. Without fear, I die but once."
Originally Posted by jjcowgill View Post
I know what tools to use

Inb4 DROP SHADOW I'm not looking for a tutorial on what to use in order to shade. I want a tutorial on how to shade more realistically.

Pretty Please.

well i normaly use photoshop but you can do this in gimp i hope, if you create a layer and move it down the layer you want to shade and then use a brush to create a line and then use gaussian blur, then proceed to play with position and opacity to fit , i hope this helps
Originally Posted by RedRebel24
I need a tutorial on how to make and sell flames if at all possible.

well i think u must go to setup then go to utils then go to flame forge and have fun there,,,and if you wanna sell them go to activated deactivated and press on the item picture then it well tell you the prize and update ,,put your prize and have fun ,,,,if you want to buy a flame from market,,to see it first there is an ID number take it and then go to game then go to free play and then type /lf 0 ID number and then have fun
Need help ? Pm me :D