1 was really great, loved that opener and the power was good, like Spar said has a lot of potential especially with all the body parts around you and the head/torso still mid air or after they have landed could maybe lead to a good skeet.
2 i really liked the mid air kick in it skeet was good, you were quite far from uke when you landed so i don't know if there is much options besides ripping the legs up unless you edit it quite early on.
3 I thought was similar to 2 not sure what you could do, but maybe a second skeet on to Ukes head, if you do that ill look forward to seeing it. or maybe you could do something with that arm next to you? maybe rip it then throw multiple parts around.
4 All i can see in 4 is that you kick up the body below you, and then get a skeet off on a part. Kicking up the body isent that original but can still be good, would be cool to see some mid air joint collisions, i think 4 could have potential for that.
Overall i think the replays were great, I really enjoyed that kick in 2 and some off the skeets were nice. They all have alot of potential and i look forward to see what you do with them, please post them when they are finished.