out of all people you care the most, you are such a noble being arthur.
i'm impressed.

hidden note to observators

Hasn't may already left twice before?
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
Sup , i did't play yesterday cause i whas at an concert for the first time , it whas the best day of my live , it whas an blues-rock concert , there were people with hippie clothings.
Also i saw 2-3 guys dancing , i mean there whas a guy that whas playing air guitar and the ohter just dacing lol.Also everywhere i walked i saw cups from beer .I also saw a girl playing guitar er name is chantel mcgregore ? she is amazing . I also did't sleep today so thats why i am already here , i maybe sleep till 11:00 but it's 7:11 so yeh , i had an awesome day yesterday . Also i will practice today with you guys .
Allright guys i cannot stand this silence be to bring up a new topic.ofducks,
Did u know ducks are one of the few birds with penises?
Did you know it has an exploding nine inch corkscrew penis with barbs that is
supposed to puncture a females cork screw vagina that screws in the oposite direction?
Yeah, imagine how the fuck that works.
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3
Ducks are dicks. 'nuff said so that we don't have to ever come back onto this topic. Let's go to a different one as to why you hit enter after all your sentences. Why appul? :<
Apple, stop.
You already tried to do this once, but failed. Why trying once again?
We won't talk about ducks. Especially penises.

Edit: katte ni kaizou is weird...
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc