Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[Mod] noah_rooftop_parkour_fixed

This is my first post, so it might look pretty bad.

The main area. A lot of this area is large and open, and there's a movable board if you want to break out into spar

The final room. The chair and sword are both movable, so if you want to spar you can

An amazing video going through the mod by Ceroz

Attached Files
noah_rooftop_parkour_fixed.tbm (47.8 KB, 153 views)
Fine, fine mod noah!

nao i gu an tel mey ded

The mod is kinda high in jumping. Not enough space to go through some places though.

I mean high in jumping as in you need to jump high and far.

I love the setting in style.

but im tel mey ded u sed da werd

The vid: Laeg laeg turn the graphics down but it'll ruin the vid laeg

I'm playing this now. Good job noah.
the mod itself is epic. and Im not saying that because Im in the video.

that real close jump at the plat before the spar room is kinda frustrating.

10/10 mod.