Originally Posted by Vradomor View Post
But, I have no more TC to give,

And giving the 128 set AND the floor texture, is paying 90k for the set and the other items. I may be desperate but not stupid.



I can give you 200k. In pure TC, right now. I'd have to loan it, but I can do it.

(also set wouldn't sell ever at 70k, you know that )

Hmm, I was offered 40k on the set. i don.t say I expect 70k.
Also, if not deal then I think I will sell my items somewhere else. Thank you for your time though.

Originally Posted by thiggist View Post
three qs laxes 60k?

I don.t have qs laxes. I am only selling here btw ;)
buying items with usd
But... that's the price in pure TC...

I can't just let this go, look at the calculations I did, I'm offering you the fair price no? Saying you're taking my offers is cool and all, but I am buying your set at a very high price

Please sir? 200k? ALl that glorious TC?
Dyrisk: Do sluts call their private parts..Public parts?
Zandėr: No, they call it "Business Assets"
Sorry, I told you my offer.
If I would sell those items you want at the offers I have now, I would take more than 200k..wothout the art.

The max I could do is adding yet another head texture for you.
But this is my max.
buying items with usd
Then what in pure tc do you want. Im offering all I have with no counters.

Also, I seriously doubt your offers on a void hair color, platinum force, 16 256 textures and a quicksilver timer add up to 200k.
Last edited by Vradomor; Aug 2, 2013 at 11:37 AM.
Dyrisk: Do sluts call their private parts..Public parts?
Zandėr: No, they call it "Business Assets"
all the 256 tex's 73k
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Originally Posted by Vradomor View Post
Then what in pure tc do you want. Im offering all I have with no counters.

230k. I could accept 200 and a full.
Originally Posted by Hobo View Post
all the 256 tex's 73k

No, thank you.
buying items with usd
Could you counter?
If not, I'd do 76k.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again