Christmas Lottery
Awesome, dude... It immediately made me think of that big vs. small mod, where the tiny one flies up... What if he could do that with a hammer like this one?
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
That's the point! You're four times as dense, but you can move with roughly
the same agility as usual, making it easier to control the hammer ;)

@Skazz: Well, for one, if it's the exact same hammer, he would have great difficulty
in swinging the hammer towards giant Uke (Or vice versa), but it sure as hell would
look pretty epic if it worked xD

"but i has HAMUR! >:("
"nevar undahestimaet mai hamur beetch"

Original language taken from would-be scene.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol

Holy shit. FINALLY, BIG HAMMERS *retarded laugh as he DL's*

EDIT: Alright, the only small point of criticism; well, it really isn't criticism; the hammer is amazing but I'd like to be able to rotate my wrists when extending/contracting so when I'm going "HAMMERZEIT!" I can curve the hammer up for a home run >=o
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
The itchy and scratchy shoooow
rofl couldn't resist
nice mod with a very simple concept 9/10
If you suddenly get :Pwned by a green beast, and you don't know what hit you, you know it's me!
super dense tori jousting, NAO >:c

Edit:a lulghost-density uke would be good to.
Last edited by Gihar; Sep 16, 2008 at 09:15 PM.
Originally Posted by Gihar View Post
super dense tori jousting, NAO >:c

Jolly good idea, mister Giharsworth. I think that'll be my next project >.>
Making it so you don't snap in half every time isn't going to be easy though, as
increased weight means that increased force will have to be applied. But that
also means that you can blast Uke to bits with ease, even at very high DM thresholds.
Hell, your ass could hit him like two cannonballs! (Or else that's your pecs, teehee)

@Ragdollmaster: Thankee. However, i don't think that it's possible to do the said
modification effectively, as the head of the hammer has TREMENDOUS momentum,
and is incredibly hard to redirect.

@Kairyuka: Heehee, thanks. And this is the time where i should make a gif of
Tori and Uke alternating between hammering each other in the head... Too lazy though.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol