Name: Brandon Cagle
Date of Birth: 3/11/96
Location: Indiana, US
GMT: -4
Primary Language(s): English
Secondary Language(s): Spanish
Belt: 10th dan
Alternate Accounts: n/a
Preferred Mods: Aikido Bigdojo, Aikido7, Wushu, Taekkyon
Previous Clans: Rust (some other a long time ago)
Biography: I play soccer and run track for my highschool and I have been playing Toribash for a bout a year and a half.
Contact Information: Skype:BrandonBagleCagle PSN:BagleCagle
Why You Want to Join: I want to join elite because I want to be part of a good clan that has good players and will last.
What You Can Offer The Clan: To be honest the only thing I really have to offer is ingame talent and some forum activity.
[B]*Name (Actual): Brad
*Date of Birth: (I don't feel comfortable giving out this information)
*Location: North Carolina
GMT: East coast
Primary Language(s): English
Secondary Language(s): None
Belt: 3rd dan (98 games to 4th)
Alternate Accounts: None
Preferred Mods: Aikido / Aikido big dojo, Wushu / Brushu / Mushu, Spar (All types)
Previous Clans:Alliance, Nyan
Biography: My name is Sknock I started playing toribash in 2012 and have developed quite well I am getting a name change soon () I don't have a bad reputation and I am very forum active
*Contact Information (i.e. Facebook, phone, e-mail, Xbox Live Gamertag, etc.) Skype: Bradley.arnold89 Xbox 360 gamertag: bradatron4
Why You Want to Join: This clan seem very good the players I have seen in-game are very skilled this clan seems forum active and I would love to be a part of this clan.
What You Can Offer The Clan: I can make avvys well and could make them for the clan I could also donate TC often
More things about me
I am a semi-pro sparest, I have many friends, I don't clan hop or multiclan, I love finding new people to hang out with and I am very loyal .