Classic games industry lies, haha. Well let's hope that's console graphics n PC will still be better cause master race, hurr durr.
Yeah, no.
I only place my hopes in Witcher 3. Hopefully it will be good.
Also been playing a lot of CS:GO lately. Mostly kz/jump maps or deathmatch but sometimes MM with my cousin n some other friends. Anxiety just hits too hard when playing solo n having dickheads in my team, haha. But I noticed how terrible I am. Haven't played any really challenging shooter in ages and kinda coming back to CS now feels tough but really good as well, haha. Currently AK rank, gone up n down once or twice. Didn't even think I'd reach that rank lol.
I've been playing cs:go relatively often recently, but lesser so now, sometimes a single mm match a day and sometimes none at all. I've always been not very good at CS, but now I'm exquisitely bad. It might have some relation to my battlestation, my desk is way more comfortable for playing at hometown than in Cracow flat.
Talking rank, my highest was 4 star gold, although I've been in it for less than 20 games I think. Most of my games were on either gold 3 or 2, but as I've already said I'm especially terrible now, with shit skill streak and less playing, and I think the last match I played deranked me into gold 1.
On the other hand I don't care about anxiety, team, winning, losing or anything at all. I'm pretty relaxed when playing. It makes the game much more enjoyable, even when doing badly. That's a major advantage over LoL [which I've reinstalled a week ago to play a few games btw].
Anyway we ought to play together sometime. I should also call over Powas (who is just about as good as me, with similiar incosistent days and with similiarly bad streak), and Shadowelf, assuming he agrees 'cause he doesn't like CS at all.
Last edited by JtanK; Mar 9, 2014 at 02:46 AM.