Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by retardcop View Post
lol veb but ya downloading is much better its FRRRREEEEEE

I don't endorse downloading games, just because it makes it free.

For example, the only two games I've ever liked and have paid money for, are Grand Theft Auto and Toribash.

The only reason I am telling people not to buy Spore and download it instead, is because EA really needs to be taught a lesson. If you buy something, as in, a CD or DVD with something on it, it should be your right to do what you want with it. Install it a billion times or whatever.

It's like the Sony root-kit thing all over again.

Do you really want some bullshit software on your computer reporting back to EA, acting like Big Brother? I damn well hope not, because if you do, perhaps you should go suck McCains dick.
I concur with veb. I was about to say the same.

Aside from that, the game itself is DAMN BORING. The creature creator was pretty cool, but the game mechanics plain and simply suck. They lack depth.

Body part bonuses, for example, don't stack.
I made a velocichicken kind of thing with two vicious claws. Then I decided it could do with four extra arms with equally vicious claws. Three times the claws -> three times the carnage, right? Wrong.
Never mind the fact that you have seven humongous mouths filled with rows of teeth; it bears no advantage over having one mouth full of teeth.
To be short: The creature design feature is largely cosmetic.

Now, I must admit that I haven't played past the tribal phase, but all in all, my experience so far has been very shallow.
Cell phase: Flow (the flash game)
Creature phase: Sort of like a dumbed down WoW, combined with Simon Says for those who take the vegetarian approach...
Tribal Phase: Sort of like a dumbed down RTS.

This is where I got bored and uninstalled. Talk about fuckin' overhyped.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
I saw it at a store for 10USD
Sooo it shouldn't be a rip off if its so cheap.
Also if you liked the creature creator, you should like the full version

full is 60 bucks, creature creater is 10 :d. and yeah Spore is amazing
My Shop
Proud Metal Organisation member
Spore is pretty good - don't expect each phase to be fully fleshed out. :/ If you want to play an RTS, this isn't for you. This game is lighthearted/fun, not meant to be in depth in all aspects. Yeah it was a bit over-hyped, but then what isn't these days? I personally love this game...
boaf's wub. :3
This is a very fun game. I like all of the stages, and the freedom. I had it torrented, but I bought the dvd to get the player created creatures. Also, I think Will Wright deserves money for it. EA sucks cock, but maxis worked hard and deserves a reward imo.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by veb View Post
The only reason I am telling people not to buy Spore and download it instead, is because EA really needs to be taught a lesson. If you buy something, as in, a CD or DVD with something on it, it should be your right to do what you want with it. Install it a billion times or whatever.

That's the exact case with a computer! They restrict access to alot of things, but it's your computer, not theirs, you should have free access to everything.
Christmas Ghost Humans do not value their existence.
In my case, it isn't worth a penny, because the damn thing crashes the moment
i start up >_>
To make matters worse, i paid the equivalent of eighty US dollars for it.
And what did i get? A lot of time and money wasted so far. I just hope that EA/Maxis
will release a patch soon, i'd love to play it. CONSIDERING THE COST. I DIDN'T
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
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