View Poll Results: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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I wholeheartedly apologize, my ever-fragrant chaps.

Even though I am, in fact, the Führer of the Grammar Nazis, I still do commit mistakes on an isolated case basis, especially since I haven't reached my final form yet (I can't wait to get my 19-inch penis).

In my defense, it's really hard to type on a teeny iPhone while being bombarded by heavy rain while riding on the back of a tricycle (the Philippine public transportation variety; I suggest you look it up if you need more context).

Well, for purposes of posterity, here's the revised version of that word:

Well thanks for everyone to say thanks.
Thanks to everyone who said thanks, it was fun to see that people are so friendly in this clan .
Have a nice Day/night
LoVe Is The Weapon To Use, It will make you invincible.
1. Name(Optional): Marcos
2. In Game Name: Marcos1997
3. age: 16
4. Hobbies: Soccer, Basketball, Video Games
5. Belt: 2nd dan black belt
6. Rank: 10000-1883
7. Why Should We Let You Join Oblv: I think I am decent at Toribash, and I'm interested in playing with a clan daily, or atleast try too
8. Tell Us About Yourself: I love to learn in school and I'm a big fan of Basketball and Toribash
9. Forum Active 1-5: 6/8 Check forums, post when necessary
10. In Game Active 1-5: 5/5
11. User card:

Last edited by Marcos; Aug 13, 2013 at 04:02 PM.
Dyrisk I gota question. Why don't we make make it so applicants needs three votes yes to be recruited in. This is just on my mind and I thought I could ask about it.
Of course. You are the second person in the book. (Not including some random guy that has nothing to do with anything. You are introduced at the same time as Zander. Since you are second, no one will forget you.(
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
You might want to try actually reading the application form. If you do not, then I guarantee you will be seeing these same results again.

Automatic rejection.
Belt:A yellow Belt but i was a brown i couldnt post with that account.
Past clans:None
Anyone i know?:None but id like to get to do so.
Worst modes: Aikido and Judo my Best: Twin sword.
Somethings about myself:Very friendly cus i think its imature to fight over a game.
Why do i want you guys:Because i need you i like fighting with ppl not only to rank up but to see what they got i only have one friend like that and i need more
Why you want me?: You may not but one reason is im pretty good at twinsword and having a clan with more abilities makes the clan grow be more popular and strong.
I would greatly appreciate it if you accepted me. Thank you for your time.
Hello all you zone members I am Ninjahead. My real name is jalen Jason Turpen.i am fourteen years old. I want to be in zone because I have been in multiple clans to be honest ,but yet haven't yet heard a member as confident, impressed, or proud I his clan more than kindle bob. I have known him for well an immense amount I time. He said that this would be a great clan for me to join ,and I believe him. I have never been banned or anything like that I try not to get in to much trouble. Moving on I am pretty good ingame and am extremely am extremely active ingame and if you'd like on the forums also. My best mods are aikido,aikido big dojo,and mushu. You should allow me to be in this wonderful bunch of talented players ,because I am in my opinion skilled ingame, active on both forums, and ingame. Next I will do whatever you need me to within reason to better or help out clan members or allies. Lastly if you don't accept me I won't bicker or throw a fit I will accept it.
Nvm sorry for wasting your time not gonna just join cause of kindle bob.
Last edited by Stealth; Aug 13, 2013 at 11:53 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump