Fantyful, you are new leader. Gratz man.
By the way, you changed your avatar (nice job). The one I made for you sucked... A lot.
Again congratulations, I know you will make a great leader for this clan.
Congratulations in becoming the new leader. [Hunters] will definitely become better in your hands.
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Considering how awfully inactive we are as a clan, I suggest making a new sticky that goes more together with the way we're doing things right now. It would be about any MP games that you're playing and need someone to play with. That could be like the current thread where we post (used to, at least) when a room is up, but this one would be for all games. That would also allow us to keep the awesome clan we have right here and MAYBE even get our activity in TB up a bit.

(I don't get what could go wrong with this idea now that we're almost gone already)
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
Originally Posted by 2pro4you View Post
Considering how awfully inactive we are as a clan, I suggest making a new sticky that goes more together with the way we're doing things right now. It would be about any MP games that you're playing and need someone to play with. That could be like the current thread where we post (used to, at least) when a room is up, but this one would be for all games. That would also allow us to keep the awesome clan we have right here and MAYBE even get our activity in TB up a bit.

(I don't get what could go wrong with this idea now that we're almost gone already)

Sounds good, lets actually do it.