Secret Santa 2024
Yeah, I asked on 3 topics, 2 gave me a warning and 1 sort of explained what it is.
I should really find a clan.
I say no, the application is too basic, and from your answers I can tell you're not taking this seriously. If you don't even read the rules, it'd be stupid to accept you.
[Hunters] Wielder of the Grammar Hammer
Age: 16
Belt (Minimum is black): This should clear this up , aswell as any other things you all may deem relevant.
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game ? : I'm fairly content with my current skill level , but I believe there is still some room for improvement , especially in a few -9.82 grav mods which i've neglected alot recently due to me playing nothing by -30 grav mods.
Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(please explain in depth): First , let me say that I've come to find great friends in most of the [Hunters] members that I've met, both past and present.
Unlike other clans, in which I've have the displeasure of meeting a couple dick heads, i haven't been able to find any here, mainly why I have found it so easy to make friends with the guys here.
Furthermore, I've noticed the superb leadership skills of obviously the leaders of this clan and it's much better than some of the other clans I've come across. All i have met from Hunters show skill and that's what I like to see in my potential clan mates , as "noob" clans interest me very little.
All in all , I have fun with you guys whenever we happen to hook up and because of this, perhaps more than anything else, is why i wish to be apart of the [Hunters] family.
Are you recommended by one of our members ? (if so,by who ?) : Well, as far as recommendations go , I remember Pitcher, shrimp, furryprints, Piepwn, omegdark1 aswell as Lushsmoke telling me they'd love to have me here and found it ideal that I write up an application like i'm doing presently.
Have you read our rules, and do you agree to follow them if accepted ?: Sure I have , as a matter of fact, i apply those very same rules to my everyday routine , both in an outside of toribash , general respect of the gist of it all and that's something I have no problem performing daily.
Favorite/Best Official Mod: My favorite official mods would have to be Lenshu , Judo and wushu .
My best being Judo, as it's the first mod i came across when i began my toribash career.
Special skills: (Cannot include Toribash skills like replay-making.Can include any skills outside it): I'm a pretty good football player , by football i mean soccer , not american football. Aside from that I'm a decent drummer and cricket player. I'm also quite decent at general mechanics.
Examples of that skill(if applicable, at least 2 would be nice): I had a couple videos of me playing the drums but i lost it as it was saved on my old laptop , so i'm afraid i'm unable to submit anything for this section.
Previous Clans(if any):
[Smile] Renamed to [Brave]: I left because the clan was very inactive and died.
[Pulse]: Died
[Pure Chaos]: i was kicked for inactivity because it was my mid-terms in school and i didn't have time to inform them because i was studying.
[Smoke] : Went pretty close to dying point and was kicked for inactivity due to exams and my laptop Fucked up had to be fixed around that time, so i was unable to inform them :/.
[Asian]: Not much activity going on with that clan. Died shortly after i left.
[Entity]: I simply lost interest in that clan because it had little to no activity what so ever.
[iCoF]: I forgot why i left them honestly , i think they went like extremely inactive or something.
[Rust]: eh , what should i say here...well long story short me and a couple members had a little problems which started when one of them provoked me a number of times ingame , it never quelled so i decided to leave and make my own clan , but was kicked right before i left , go figure.
[Meth] : Poor maintenance on both ispeed's and my part.
[Vector] : Too inactive.
[Ethereal] : Hands down my only other favorite clan, which comes in second to Obey. I met the most wonderful people there who quickly became my friends , and more or less my family. I'll be honest and say i do regret leaving them , but as everyone knows ethr is on it's final legs and isn't thriving too well. Ave quit TB apparently and inferno is here and there.
[Obey]:I wouldn't say i was an official member , but i was there for a short period of time before Tyzi kicked me out for making jokes with some of the members.
Mind you, there were completely harmless and everyone was comfortable with them as most of the obey guys joke around alot, but for some reason she didn't like them and removed me from Trial member.
Favorite Forum(if any): Support and Suggestions/Ideas forums, because in the support area i like helping people out who're having issues, and the suggestions forum is generally just a fun place to be.
Toribash organizations Affiliated With(if any): Was supposed to join the Judo and Love of Parkour orgs as the judo org leaders wanted me there and I love parkour so why the fuck not, but I never really got around to applying..
Do you have an alternate account, and if so, what is it ?( we don't allow multi-clanning) : My only other account is TKJ , which was used as a bank at one point, other than that , the other accounts tied to my ip belong to various relatives.
Location: The beautiful Caribbean isle of Barbados.
Level of forum activity(Important!): I'm usually on the forum everyday, as I have alot of free time now, due to me being on vacation.
Number of Infractions: I've got a ton of infractions , mainly for backseat moderating I guess, but all have expired.

Also please excuse me for having a couple unfinished replays , as i'm on a new laptop due to my old one getting fucked up, i'm currently strapped for replays.

Also i nearly forgot.
Here's what I look like if you're wondering.


Totally not a smoker

Dat Tori doe

Skype: Rollinpapers06
Email: [email protected]
Attached Files
~I_Was_A_Whore_From_Birth.rpl (429.4 KB, 7 views)
~Parkour_S81ha19.rpl (822.8 KB, 7 views)
~vsBrrrHaha_v2_UnFinished.rpl (260.5 KB, 5 views)
~vsOmega_Parkour.rpl (771.8 KB, 5 views)
~LazerSpar-Omega.rpl (420.4 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Nigma; Aug 29, 2013 at 10:00 PM. Reason: Because Fuck You That's why >:u
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.
I say yes up to 100%, also, your replays are really good (also the ones you gave me for a video)!
Last edited by Sluup; Aug 29, 2013 at 08:45 PM.

Thanks for applying, Nigma, we will certainly prove we can be better than you expect.

This application is almost worthy of an auto-acception.

2001% Yes, you have definitely proved everything that you're an honest person.



He's not a clan hopper, he just wants a clan with nice people, like us!

But those clans were careless and did not give any effort at all. Thinking words will get them to where we are.
I say yes 100 times! You sir made the best app I have ever seen. Yes, yes, yes.

By the way, what's up with all of those clans?!
To be honest,

I like to belong.. i don't know how else to explain it.
Usually i'd join a clan that i had a decent amount of my friends aslong as it was a decent clan, also, if i left it would usually be caused by the immense inactivity/death of the clan.
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.