Hey guys my name is rocker168 (real name is private)im 13 years old I live in the Phillipines.Im a 3rd Dan Blackbelt I play everyday but i curently cant because i have exams.My best mods are Wushu,Aikido,AikidoBigDojo,Brushu and Mushu.I have one infraction for bumping a thread of mine.I have fought uncle before in his recruitment server and he told me too make an application.My past clans are Zone and Furious Vipers.I got kicked from Zone because of an alt i dont own and i left Furious Vipers because my friend invited me but i left because of inactivity.I am preaty active on forums and ingame.Mostly ingame though but i go check the forums once in a while.I would like to join Rust because it is a preaty skilled clan and this was one of the clans i always wanted to join since i was yellow belt.I hope you like my application and thank you for your time.
All the best.