Christmas Lottery
I just bought it too, the torrent was going way too slow, and EA gave me 15$ off instead of 10$ cause i called and bitched that i didn't have my promo code. Pretty good deal :p


Originally Posted by Ishi View Post
I just bought it too, the torrent was going way too slow, and EA gave me 15$ off instead of 10$ cause i called and bitched that i didn't have my promo code. Pretty good deal

Oh wait, what?
What happened; how did you do this?
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
I called them, and they just emailed me a code ;p

I was going to get the 10$ off cause i bought the CC before spore came out, but they never gave me it ;oo


Ah, I didn't buy CC.
Okay I'm going to try and buy spore today.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
Sam, for the love of goodness, don't do it. The CC is pretty much all that is fun about the game; the actual game requires you to grind for hours to find all the damn parts. It's a total letdown.

Please torrent the damn thing before you buy it, to see if you really think it's worth it. Really, those 50 bucks are better spent elsewhere.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
I advise no-one to actually buy this. If you buy this your money will hate you for eternity. It really isn't worth it.
Christmas Ghost Humans do not value their existence.
Originally Posted by SirusG View Post
I advise no-one to actually buy this. If you buy this your money will hate you for eternity. It really isn't worth it.

I actually really like it.
Originally Posted by Blam View Post
I actually really like it.

Probably would be the same here IF IT ACTUALLY WORKED.
Also, Skazz, i respect and appreciate you warning people against wasting money, but please,
don't make the game look so bad. Some people (Like Blammy here) actually like it.
And he's probably not the only one out of millions. (NO WE ARE NOT A MILLION IN TB FORUMS)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Uh, all that was fun in my opinion was the cell and creature stage, after that they turned it into some dumb wannabe RTS game
Originally Posted by DoctorDrew View Post
Uh, all that was fun in my opinion was the cell and creature stage, after that they turned it into some dumb wannabe RTS game

Civilisations the best

making tanks and boats and planes and shit that you need to get nice damage/economic power/religious influence, health and possibly speed takes skill

Edit: Oh and ignore Skazz, he probably writes this (his avatar is a clever ploy to get people off the idea he writes it)
Last edited by Blam; Sep 13, 2008 at 07:32 PM.