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In fact, on Dueling Network, they have a price in the card information so you can look up how much the physical card is worth. I know that some cards can be $10 each, and a few average $100.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by treesnipe View Post
Name: treesnipe
Belt: Blue
Bans, infractions, or warnings: None
Past clans and why you left them: This is my first
Anyone you know in this clan: The people on the recruitment server... Erif, Soap toolfree, and xtorigod
Why do you want us: It seems like a good clan and they play my favorite mods plus its one of the only clans that dosent go, YOUR NOT BLACKBELT NO CLAN FOR YOU!! -_-
Why should we want you: Im really good at aikido judo and mods like that
Best and Worst mods: Best: Aikido, Aikido Big dojo, Judo, Judo fracture, twinswords Worst: Wushu, and any long distance engagement mod
One or two paragraphs about yourself:

Ive been playing toribash for a few months now and still haven't found a good clan. I am pretty good at most gamemodes and have some friends I play with. I hope this clan accepts me.Im pretty nice to others and will help if someone is new or has questions about the game. I use Hold most of the time right now but I have used relax some.

"I would greatly appreciate it if you accepted me. Thank you for your time."

Definitely one of the better applications we've gotten recently, but considering what Soap said about the phrase, combined with your relatively little experience with the game as a blue belt, I think I'm going to have to say no for now. If you come back in a week or so and try again though I'm almost certain you'll get in.
Where will we be able to read it? On the clan forum?
Dyrisk: Do sluts call their private parts..Public parts?
Zandėr: No, they call it "Business Assets"
That's beautiful saif! I can't wait to see what kind of textures you can make, that's really good.
Dyrisk: Do sluts call their private parts..Public parts?
Zandėr: No, they call it "Business Assets"
:O i'm so excited!
You’ve been taught all your life that truth is easy to hide. You'll face your judgment another day and suffer eternally.
:O ^Also noticed!
You’ve been taught all your life that truth is easy to hide. You'll face your judgment another day and suffer eternally.
No Special Treatment #2
I really liked what Zan started a thread on, and I believe many people here have not tried out the newest application form that we judge trying members on. Therefore, if you are interested, feel free to copy and paste the application form onto this thread and fill it out as if you were really applying.

I also think digging out each of our member's applications from the Hall of Broken Glass and editing them into the clan page in spoilers would be professional and beneficial for people to be able to know who else is out there.

On that note, I wonder if its necessary to discard all application posts and the like to the Hall of Broken glass. Keeping our applications is frankly, impressive, seeing the dozens of pages pile up of people wanting to join. It will also leave a few (cough many) examples of what NOT to post as an application. Maybe bring all those posts back and let the pages stack up, a thought.

Anyways, I'm going to give this application a shot.

=== Basic information
It's all in the spoiler, as much as you need to know.

--- Your Skype account (which will be added to the clan Skype group): Jokan999 is my official username, and my tag is Vrad|Leo.

--- List your alternate accounts: Vradomor is my main, and really the only one with any significant number of Qi. I've spammed a couple more: Vrad, Torially (the ex-clan bank of Alliance), Ivanna (Ivanna Humpalot) and Automatron. Might've messed up the last one. Maybe Automation. I only used it once.

--- List your previous clan(s): Shadow, Alliance, Rust, and now Oblivion, in that order. An extensive history of my clan experiences can be found in the spoiler below.

--- Your in-game/forum/Skype activity (specific hours in a day), and your time zone: My ingame activity is getting rarer, perhaps because I've achieved in obtaining most of the reasonable items I was hoping for. I most likely will be addicted to my ingame passion, and I do go online for a couple hours every other day. My Skype activity used to be whenever I was on my computer, which would be very often, but now I've disabled Skype from opening when I use my computer, as to not be too distracted and absorbed. My timezone is GMT +1.

Provide all answers beside the greater-than symbol provided.

=== I. Rationale
Answer as completely as possible, in a paragraph for each:

--- Who are you?
> That is a very philosophical question. Who am I? In fact, what is humanity. What is life? I'm not throwing these questions around attempting to appear to know more than I do, because "If there is one thing I do know, it is that I know nothing." ~Socrates. As life, there are very scientific patterns on what life needs to have and to do to survive, that differentiates us from what is inanimate. But our difference from animals, and plants, is our ability to wonder, which is the only tool needed to be a philosopher. How do I know I am not actually me, and I am just part of a greater conscience, and that I am no one? "Cogito, ero sum." I think, therefore I am. And with my ability to doubt, I must exist. And while I am Leo **** (I shall avoid leaving more personal information for privacy reasons), I am also life with the gift of wonder. A true philosopher never ceases to wonder at the amazing world he lives in, and that is what I, Leo, will try to do.

--- Why do you want to join this particular clan, as opposed to another clan?
> Because I would not be able to call any other clan out there my home, as I can with Oblivion. I founded its predecessor, the best people I have met in Toribash are, or were in this clan, and it represents everything I believe to uphold as a Toribash player. Why go elsewhere when you are in the clan you built to reflect everything you could ever want from a game?

--- How might you contribute to Oblivion, and, in addition, how might the clan be beneficial to you?
> As a Toribasher, I am actually rather useless, to put it simply. I wish to improve everywhere, and I have progressed and will continue to do so, but at the time I have not many concrete skills to offer. I have little replay experience, the ones I have completed have some boom shots but it could not be called complete or professional or planned out. I have yet to be able to handle all the singleplayer consoles. I am not an artist whatsoever. I have however made progress marketing, going from the little I had that my friends would generously give to me, to having a near full 256 Texture set with good art, 2 lovely flames, The force and relax I desire and more. I am putting my market adventures on hold, taking a breather before throwing myself back into that mess and avoid any huge mistake I might make in a rush.
What I can offer to Oblivion, is being a steady, loyal clan member, to do my best in keeping this clan active and running smoothly, and am willing to help out wherever is necessary. I'm the "backup" leader, and when the motivation and desire come, I hope to have it in me to make great improvements to Oblivion.

--- What experiences have you had with the game and/or the Toribash forum community?
> As stated above, I have been marketing, all throughout my 2 months in France and even sooner. I joined Toribash at the beginning of this year through a friend, Fluny, who is in this clan as well. As experiences, I've been in several clans, the leader of 2, or 1, depending if you count Oblivion as Alliance. I am near 3rd Dan, meaning I have almost played 3,000 games. That's about all the concrete experience I can say I've had so far.

=== II. Temperament
Answer as you see fit:

--- Which two Magic: The Gathering colours best describe your personality? You can either take this quiz, or give your own answer.
> I have taken that quiz, and according to Zan *glare* I am a peaceful hippy, colored White and Green. The description can be found on the other thread.

--- What is the meaning and/or purpose of life?
> The purpose of living creatures, is the inborn primitive urge to survive. Survival of the fittest. After humanity has assured survival, at least for the time being, many would say the meaning of life is to make the world a better place for our children. "Memento mori." "Remember that you must die." Our lives serve to continue history, and our lineage, and while we believe to be so powerful, that we can alter the universe, the day will come when humanity will seize to exist. What is our purpose if we are destined to disappear and be forgotten? I believe the purpose of life is to live without regrets, to make your memories and your mark on our temporary world, and to have had the brief glimpse of time happily with others.

--- If you were in a room with your closest friend and favourite family member, and the only way out is for one of you to die, who would you kill? You, your friend, or your family member? If you do not make a decision, you will all die due to asphyxiation.
>It depends of the family member. I am not saying that I would choose to kill one member of my family over another, it is that if it was my mother or father in that room with me, or another of my elders, then I believe they would make the impossible decision of sacrificing themselves for their child. A true parent would, no matter how I would try to stop them and put myself at their place. The thought saddens me.

--- What is "love"?
> De4th and Hawke have recently taught me that love is a disease, overpowering your reasoning and senses and has pushed people to harm and even death. Compared to that, I am left speechless.

--- Are you prepared and willing to have eggs implanted into your sternum?
> You bet I am. Mademoiselle Flexy, come give me some love~

=== III. Aptitude

--- Attach your best replay(s). Both single-player and multiplayer replays are acceptable.

--- You may include art or any other works that you've made, be they Toribash-related or not.
> Can you believe I have not memorized how to attach replays? One day I will take the time to do so, when I have fully finished one successful replay where I do not decapitate myself. And like I stated before, I am no artist.

=== IV. Perception
Answer to the best of your ability:

--- Describe, and/or name each group of colours shown:
I cannot see those colors, and while I would simply love to go back to the thread and answer this question with an essay, I am simply running out of time. The clock is ticking and I have work to do, and I much rather post this now instead of risking it all suddenly vanishing for no explainable reason.

Here is my past, real free form application to Oblivion on May 22, 2013:

More Walls of Text!

I do not know if anyone will follow my example, but I had fun writing this, and I would love to read your guys' up to date summaries of yourselves.

Dyrisk: Do sluts call their private parts..Public parts?
Zandėr: No, they call it "Business Assets"
I would love to hear all the juicy gossip on that. Your Oblivion family is very anxious. Did you get in a fight with those Obey boys again?
Dyrisk: Do sluts call their private parts..Public parts?
Zandėr: No, they call it "Business Assets"
Yeah I'm posting it on this thread. But dont get excited until chapter 5ish, thats when all my books get exciting.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman