Sent items

Recieved TC

Want anything else, or did I miss an item?
Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay cool
Nope. You got them all. Thanks.

I am interested in some stuff. I'll give a bulk offer.

Amber Force/Lax
Camo Force/Lax
Dragon Force/Lax
Quicksilver Force
Raider Lax
Sapphire Force

All of those for 45k.
Wait a sec I will counter in a bit, but you sent me 32,900 TC when all the items are 37,400
So you need to send me 4500 TC ;)

And I sent you the marine relax by accident
So send back please and then I will counter
Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay cool
You did send me the marine relax by accident, but I assure you I counted right. I just counted again. Please recount it, and make sure. If you come out with the same number, give me the numbers for each joint/pair of joints.
Originally Posted by EdiTz View Post
Ada Force/Lax - Deal Send TC
Amethyst Force/Lax - 7k
Aqua Force/lax - Deal Send TC
Bronze force/lax - Deal Send TC
Cobra lax - 4.5k
Gold force - 5k
Helios Force/Lax + Hot Pink Relax + Knox Force - 9k
marine relax - .7k
Quicksilver - 18k
Titan force - 2.5k

So here is what I offered the second time.

Ada joints- 7000 TC
Aqua joints- 1500 TC
Bronze joints- 1900 TC
Cobra relax- 4500 TC
Gold force- 5000 TC
Helios Force/Lax + Hot Pink Relax + Knox Force - 9000 TC
Titan force- 2500 TC

31,400 TC :|

Guess I was wrong ;P

Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay cool
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Nope. You got them all. Thanks.

I am interested in some stuff. I'll give a bulk offer.

Amber Force/Lax
Camo Force/Lax
Dragon Force/Lax
Quicksilver Force
Raider Lax
Sapphire Force

All of those for 45k.

Amber force/lax- 6.7k
Camo force/lax- 4k
Dragon force/lax- 10k
QS force- 19.5k
Radier relax- 16k
Sapphire force- 9k

65.2k (I did my math right this time ;-;)

Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay cool
Originally Posted by EdiTz View Post
Amber force/lax- 6.7k
Camo force/lax- 4k
Dragon force/lax- 10k
QS force- 19.5k
Radier relax- 16k
Sapphire force- 9k

65.2k (I did my math right this time ;-;)


Amber - 5.2k max
Dragon - 7.5k max
qs force - 17.5k max
Raider relax - 9k max (It's really overpriced on the market atm. I got one recently for 8k.)
Sapphire force - Deal
I can go

Amber joints- 5.8k
Dragon joints- 8.7k
QS force- I am not going any lower
Raider lax- 13k

These are the lowest I can go

Sending Sapphire force
Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay cool
Sent the 9k for the sapphire force.

How about a tiny bulk buy?

You're lowest for the Raider + Amber + Dragon = 27.5k

how about you give it to me for 25k?