Original Post
Drunken Style Master
The Legacy that is Yinyangsea with live on till i quit tori!
MOst of these started as relaxes but during them im kinda like''Oh noes I accidently pressed teh c key''
Last edited by yinyangsea; Oct 24, 2008 at 09:34 PM.
All the world's a stage.
lol perhaps u didnt read me description? should i just take of the drunken style and add video waiting for douches 2 insult instead of adding advice?
All the world's a stage.

Lol, you sux.

Tis very holdy.

User was banned for this post (Useless Flaming)
Last edited by Mosier; Sep 15, 2008 at 07:56 AM.
lol can a brother get a drunken style toribash vid so a brother can no how? and i see that incorrectly naming a video can make the video gay(if even the video roxorz)
All the world's a stage.
you want advice and you're saying you'll quit tori soon indirectly. hopeless... i think that that advice is probably for your second acc
That doesn't look much like drunken style, if you want to perfect it, you should watch the movies and learn off jackie chan or somebody.
Maybe slowing your openers abit more would make it look like drunken style.
It makes me wonder..