Name (Actual): Tom C (Some people call me TC, seems easier :3)
Date of Birth: 17/09/1997
Location: Greater London, United Kingdom
GMT: GMT+- 0
Primary Language(s): English
Secondary Language(s): German (Intermediate)
Belt: Custom Belt, (Abyss Belt)
Alternate Accounts: TheVoidKing (Status - Dead)
Preferred Mods: Wushu.tbm, Wushu3.tbm, rk-mma.tbm, aikidobigdojo.tbm, Lenshu3ng.tbm.
Previous Clans: No previous clans on this main. No previous clans on other accounts.
Biography: Well, I live in London with my family. I go to school like anyone else, I play Toribash for fun like nearly everybody else, sense of humour and so on so forth. Mostly I like going into bet servers and sticking a lot into the decapprize just to see peoples reactions. Either that, or just straight up play fighting in abd.
Contact Information (i.e. Facebook, phone, e-mail, Xbox Live Gamertag, etc.) I do have an email yes, and a PSN.
Email -
[email protected] (self explanatory really.)
PSN - RoflBigMac (yes lol at this ._.)
Why You Want to Join: Mainly because, never been in a clan before. Other reasons, I think that being in a clan will push me towards being a bit more forum active like I promised myself when I joined. Probably not the best reasons, but still reasons, no denying that ;)
What You Can Offer The Clan: Well, I am a good marketer, can value the majority of flames made, I can wash dishes, make cake, generally just make people laugh and in some cases I can be a magic dragon that breaths purple fire out it's ass. You won't see that a lot though.
Yea I don't know if ingame evidence is needed or whatever, because replay making is not really my thing, but I can have a go and see what I come up with.
Last edited by Abyss; Dec 1, 2013 at 06:58 PM.