It's a work in progress....just now getting over my sickness and getting back into the swing of playing. Had a rough week... wasn't on much. Gonna try makin' first madman, pretty sure I'll fail.
Attached Files
A Precise Fever.rpl (172.3 KB, 7 views)
Note to people who don't get the idea after me deleting a whole conversation.
This place is for replays and discussion about them only.

If you want to spew random offending shit, then do it in PM's.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
One, I said I was working on my replay. Two, I also made it clear it was for fun and I was not done with it. So perhaps you call tell the former NAO member to not call it noob -_-
Hey... sorry.. D: Also to be fairly honest i was being truthful. and there was no intention to offend until the last parts...
I like it. but when you transition into the jump.. you get a bit twitchy otherwise rather good muun. c: