Original Post
[DSC] [Fenix]Phoenix
Last edited by Zaknaphein; Oct 5, 2008 at 06:34 PM. Reason: update
<bro[Sheep]Kips> /Kick Zackbnsderwhfewjfewgr;
Hello, im the leader of Pheonix. This is my first ever clan but i assure we will run it well. If you do join plz PLZ donate to our clan bank for us to become official, thanks...
Last edited by Bork; Sep 18, 2008 at 04:36 AM.
Zak, sorry, but I am probably not able to join.

Nice concept though!

I love how you picked my name suggestion

GL and Have fun!
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Thanks DarkJak! I will, However, Keep and Ranking for you Just incase.
And Sorry Ra for Posting this in the wrong area.
<bro[Sheep]Kips> /Kick Zackbnsderwhfewjfewgr;
Clan Story: We once lived in a small village, but it was controlled by the evil overlords "The Knoll-Lords", And our people lived miserably and worked all day. But one day a wierd bird flew over the town and screeched "I CHALLENGE The Knoll-Leader! to a dual! For the Village!" And the Knolls couldnt back down. So The Knoll-Leader, 'Ugly Snot" flew into battle, but even before he could make it half way there he was stricken by fiery Bolt! And as he fell from the sky all the Knolls lost their abilities to turn into Shapeshift and died as old 109 year old men! The bird flew and the greeted the villagers, Told them about his wonderful Land and how they could work there for as long as they want! But alas, one of the remaining guards shot the mighty Firebird with a magical arrow! Concealing it FOREVER inside of a small egg. After the villagers killed the guard, they heard a voice that come from inside the egg giving them directions to their new home. The egg lead them to a magical land where they lived forever and remained young! And on every Thursday they travel to the temple to worship the [Fenix]. Knolls Suck.
Last edited by Zaknaphein; Sep 19, 2008 at 01:23 AM.
<bro[Sheep]Kips> /Kick Zackbnsderwhfewjfewgr;
Ermm... you WANT to start a war already!!! And EVERLASTING war?!?!?!

Please, something neutral.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]