Christmas Lottery
So while I was banned some people with ~ thought it'd be a good idea to give away my items, because you know, thats what cool kids apperently can do these days for no good reason.
One of those items was my head texture and with it removed from my items I also lost my head texture itself - the clown head jpg and I don't have it saved anywhere. Question is - is it lost forever or I can find it somehow (maybe saved by somewhere for some reason)?
Mm, well i do have a front shot of the clown head when you were on the list, but i doubt it's of much use now. Tough break. You could try old folders maybe. One way you could've gotten the textures would've been via accessing the custom folder without logging in (as in not letting the client update your custom, if it works that way idk), so they'd be there, but that would mean you'd have to know about it beforehand. Maybe try previous versions on that folder.
Last edited by k6vamees; Oct 25, 2013 at 06:49 PM.
But why's the rum gone? :v
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey my password was 442 days old but i decided to pick this game up again as my internet isnt good for anything else, whatsup ? dunno if u remember me but u guys sure have kept on playing :o
Neat. Coming back to tb? Maybe you should join us again then. But then you have to get back in shape. Or you'll get lots of facefucks despite the clown mouth.
Originally Posted by rcarey View Post
Neat. Coming back to tb? Maybe you should join us again then. But then you have to get back in shape. Or you'll get lots of facefucks despite the clown mouth.

Me out of shape is still like Chuck Norris on meth. I could win the entire clan league all by myself playing while watching a move and/or fapping -.-
I am not coming back fulltime tho, I login when I'm bored out of my mind and/or don't feel like falling asleep. Which is like once or twice a month.