Christmas Lottery
I want to learn Arabic but my mum refuses to teach me because she thinks I'm joking. I learnt a tiny bit of Japanese, but I've forgotten a lot of it, so I pretty much know nothing. Russian would be interesting too. I don't have too much interest in Latin, but I know Link knows a bit.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Originally Posted by cozzakilll View Post
I want to learn Arabic but my mum refuses to teach me because she thinks I'm joking. I learnt a tiny bit of Japanese, but I've forgotten a lot of it, so I pretty much know nothing. Russian would be interesting too. I don't have too much interest in Latin, but I know Link knows a bit.

Hmm I want to learn Japanese ;v
On other hand, I know to read/write Arabic, can't understand shit though

Originally Posted by kameron View Post
I want to learn Latin, Russian and Chinese/Japanese.

Too lazy to find something/someone to teach me

Perhaps how about Online lessons?
I tried getting them for Polish, but I stopped since, for the time being.
I know a couple of words in Arabic. Like Pustema, Mishnuna, Abbunafka, Abbu. Basic things really. I'm kinda fluent, more or less, in hebrew.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
I know Latin Filipino English Korean and Japanese...
And corey it's not a little I can read write and speak latin :P
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Это ничего linkhunter. Я могу напечатать русские

Questo è niente linkhunter. posso tipo italiano

se ei ole mitään linkhunter. voin kirjoittaa suomeksi

det är ingenting linkhunter. Jag kan skriva svenska


that's nothing linkhunter. I can type english

Apathetic User