View Poll Results: What do you do when a bear attacks?
Suplex the bear
24 Votes / 42.86%
Play dead
3 Votes / 5.36%
Climb a tree
0 Votes / 0%
Shovel the bear out of the ring
10 Votes / 17.86%
Challenge the bear to fisticuffs
11 Votes / 19.64%
Call in air support
8 Votes / 14.29%
Voters: 56. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by Orko View Post
Can we make a pact to never let people from Wushu clans other than [Impro] post here?

agreed i hate those noob wushu clans

)o) sup guise
(^lol I enjoyed that pun) But on a more serious note, the finals of clan league are
TGS versus Relax All right? just clarifying because there was this whole thingamajigger you probably didn't hear about it. It was pretty tori-hipster.
Originally Posted by Orko View Post
Can we make a pact to never let people from Wushu clans other than [Impro] post here?

All in favor say "aye"
[11:10] <Orko> Thank you for taking the time to sort things out, Thorn. All of TGS appreciates what you've done.
[11:11] <Thorn> yeah
[11:11] <Thorn> also i fired vodka for being an asshole
[11:11] <Thorn> sorry about him
[11:11] <Orko> Hehe
[11:11] <Orko> It's okay as long as everything was set right.

And a big thank you to siku as well.