Secret Santa 2024
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Originally Posted by Twilight View Post
Here's a link to the whole story. Not sure why I decided to bother her today... probably because my girlfriend's name is Ashely... xD

Holy! Since when are you a dude? Everybody's been calling you by "she" and all, so I'm confused.
Originally Posted by DanWebb11 View Post
School everyday, study every night.

My parents expect way to much of me.

Me too man

Sent from my A818i Duo using Tapatalk 2
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
Check out my 🎧 FREE💃 sound request shop! - I have a lot of art (like, 45+ heads and a few sets) for sale! PM me for them!
Originally Posted by Erif View Post
Holy! Since when are you a dude? Everybody's been calling you by "she" and all, so I'm confused.

My brain says I'm a girl in a male body so... That's probably why.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
That sucks Dan. Glad you can still find time to post every now and then.

Twilight: Why do you date girls then? I mean, if this isn't a touchy subject or w/e

Anyways. Hiccups are the worst thing ever. Every time I get hiccups my eyes water for some reason. And they water like, completely uncontrollably. Streams of tears run down my face for no reason at all, and it's awkward to explain in public situations.
Because he's obviously a lesbian, Soap.

I've got that same thing with my eyes watering, sort of. Every time I yawn at all, even just a little yawn, suddenly it looks like I'm bawling. Hate it hate it hate it. I've been asked so many time what was wrong when I was just a little sleepy.
Well, that was my first thought. But if you're a woman trapped in a man's body, wouldn't you like men? It seems like it just defeats the purpose. xD

I thought I posted this earlier, but I haven't...On random days I will be having swim practice. We don't have a school pool, so that is why I say on random days. Today, I will have practice from 7:30 - 8:30 PM (EST) and on Thursday 3:30 - 4:30 PM.
Damn, I miss you guys. I made a lot of memories here. Sup? - Nin0fShin 2018
<[Twist]Nijia> Nin doesnt cry, he makes other people cry for him!
Actually it's because I'm a bisexual female. :3
I like to keep my choices open.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
That sucks Dan. Glad you can still find time to post every now and then.

Twilight: Why do you date girls then? I mean, if this isn't a touchy subject or w/e

Anyways. Hiccups are the worst thing ever. Every time I get hiccups my eyes water for some reason. And they water like, completely uncontrollably. Streams of tears run down my face for no reason at all, and it's awkward to explain in public situations.

Drink water while plugging your ears, it works every time. Best way to remove hiccups.