Christmas Lottery
Bumps with my old replay from the time when I was in ORMO.
I'd love to get some cnc on previous replays, dont care much about that one. Yet it is one of my favorites.
Attached Files
sad core.rpl (164.2 KB, 34 views)
well since I wanted to apply to ormo asap I've included nostalgia core.rpl into my 3 best replays. I dpnt think its amazing or anything, it just shows stuff i love to do. Spins kciks'n'cores. Walk part is about 2 years old, found it somewhere and decided to finish it. 1.rpl and dance.rpl dance.rpl are edits of the long forgotten, never finished replays.
1.rpl doesnt have a name coz I just dont know how to end it properly.

ps guys,gimme some -30 openers to play with. please.

pps I dont need your cnc, ty. I'm doing fine by myself.
Attached Files
nostalgia core.rpl (212.4 KB, 15 views)
1.rpl (125.9 KB, 13 views)
dance.rpl (180.3 KB, 15 views)
Sad core was awesome.
Veliar, please, never ghost your arm through your leg - it really damages my eyes when you do that.
Order in chaos was also really beautiful, but the same problem as with the sad core replay.
Make some other replays. I'm really happy you're back.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
Lexx, ty for cnc. I don't usually notice that kind of stuff, coz I don't think it is bad and it doesnt hurt my eyes. I have my own list of thing I never(almost) do/use in my replays. I'll consider adding this one to this list :3
And nice to see you are still active, man.

Tried some knee stuff. Turned out pretty messy. Dont like this one much, but working with knee kicks is definitely fun.
Attached Files
shicleder.rpl (167.0 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by Veliar; Dec 7, 2013 at 10:27 AM.
Sooo more 2009 players are still allive YES
Well cnc, shicleder -replay wasn't really impressive , I like the way you got dms with only knees, pretty original. But the thing is after you got a decap, you fell on the ground and that really ruined whole replay. I really liked tranisition to pose, very clrear.
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
Replays, Videos
Aadame, yeah true. Fall looks kinda bad. Its nice to hear someone else's opinion. Helps me a lot. Here, look. Tried to fix that fall. Looks a bit stiff to me, and that new kick is a kinda ugly, but that's better then falling on your back, right?
Attached Files
shicleder v2.rpl (228.1 KB, 12 views)
I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I can't CnC them all individually, but you have some great fluid high-gravity replays here. Most of your boomhits have that delicious oomph to them. Grabbing is really hard to do in a way that doesn't look lame, and you don't succeed here most of the time. You do have some careless bumping into Uke between hits, but otherwise I find your movement really natural most of the time. I didn't spot those ghosts myself, but let me just second Lexx that they're an eyesore when you do notice them.

Knee and elbow strikes are some of the most rewarding things to pull off in a replay because you have to tweak it just right to get enough power to DM uke but keep your joint intact. Also, you asked for openers. Try a handstand opener. Not necessarily on two hands, but with a hand against the ground so you can push up against it and have full use of both of your legs and great range.
I refuse to grab.
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