Original Post
Double Knee blast and Head grab
This is part of someone's move, but it is a bit different.

Hold All
Contract pecs and abs
raise arms
Space x1
Lower arms
Grabby hands
contract hips
contract knees
Space x1
Extend knees.

There you go.

Re: Double Knee blast and Head grab
I liked it It's just so simple :P
But I think you should add there Hold all.
P.S But if you don't hold all, you take off UKE's head
Re: Double Knee blast and Head grab
True,but it is part of ome ones move I will add hold all on there.


Contract pecs and abs
raise arms
grabby hands
Space x1
lower arms
contract knees and hips
Space x2

Pretty good.
Re: Double Knee blast and Head grab
i like how his legs just stay there well the rest of his body is thrown into the air :P
Re: Double Knee blast and Head grab
I have a new one it makes his head fall off, but very slow.

Contract pecs and abs
Raise arms
Grabby hands
Space x1
Hold pecs
Lower Arms
Contract Hips
Contract Knees
Space x2
Raise Arms
Extend Knees
Space x2
Lower arms
Space x4 or x5
Extend hips and contract knees

That is all