Original Post
[B]Buying items!
Hey I would like to buy some of your items,but i have some rule,

Rule 1:You offer first

Rule 2:I'm mostly interested in Forces/Relaxes/Hairs/Flames/512 textures/joints/full sets

Rule 3: Dont offer ridicolous prices cause i will do it too

Rule 4:Offer under market price cause Im not gonna buy it its just wasting both of us time (and you know time is money)

Rule 5:Always check my current tc ammount here

As you can see i currently have 28k

Rule 6:Offer only in TC!

So if you not break these rules we can make a nice deal and both of us will be happy. thats all so Offer
Last edited by Marci6; Dec 2, 2013 at 09:18 PM.
why would i pay for emote dq or other useless item

the only valuable is forces relaxes bloods and might be ghosts

actually beetle doesnt worth too much

so 65k my max and its a friendly price for you