Original Post
[A] Futuristic soldier Set
Artist - me
Previous owner - me
Size - 512 auto re-sizes
TC only accepted
Recolor - no
Auto-buy - 40k
Starting bid -5k
Min raise - 1k
End date is 12 hours after last valid bid or when i decide to end it
will throw in Neptune force for an extra 3k

Last edited by Calamity; Dec 9, 2013 at 06:03 PM.
Originally Posted by killppl View Post
Artist - me
Previous owner - me
Size - 512 auto re-sizes
TC only accepted
Recolor - no
Auto-buy - 40k
Starting bid -10k
Min raise - 1k
End date is 12 hours after last valid bid or when i decide to end it
will throw in Neptune force for an extra 5k

5k, the torsos reapeat, the arms repeat, and the legs reapeat. And are the left and right pec textures even included? I don't see them on your Tori.

Deuteria Moderated Message:
User infracted. Starting bid is 10k.
Last edited by Deuteria; Dec 9, 2013 at 01:35 AM.