@TG: dat pr0n everywhere?
@Ranged: I can agree with that even when I never actually played the game itself. but since a good friend of mine is a big fan and told me alot about it I can tell you that you're right.
Oh sorry, I meant Dark Souls. Not 2 cause it's not released yet.

Anyway Count, you need to play the game. Especially now that DS2 is coming out soon.
Btw, what's your favorite RPG/Hack N' Slash game? Mine would be Dragon's Dogma

Helpful quote

I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
I am the guy who is probably online the most but never discusses things in free chat. So allow me to begin the topic.

I have a hot date.
cool it with an ice bag before you got burnt hurry
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
She is hotter than the sun man I don't think ice will cool it

Well, I hope she's not like a dwarf star. Extremely hot but not very bright.
Well I'd say she is smart enough to be considered past the point of being a dwarf star and is more of a Neutron star, hot and just bright enough ;3